Monday, January 15, 2007

Closing the box

As software development matures, doesn't it look like developers are becoming less and less programming-literate?

No offense, but when was the last time you thought about writing a linked list? Isn't it all there already? Our dependence on ready-to-use libraries is increasing at an alarming rate. Hell, once you program in C# you don't even feel like touching C++!

This of course is a natural evolutionary path for software languages. Isn't this what reuse is all about? Having utility classes like collection classes, windowing classes etc. help the developer to concentrate more on the business logic instead of spending large part of development time on such code.

This is good, but not always. Traditional knowledge of computers like pointers, memory, paging etc. are being lost quite fast. Only a small amount of developers are left who attempt working on stuff like compilers, OS, database systems etc. With lesser developers working on such projects, there will be lesser new operating systems, databases and other important software leaving end users with very little choice.

Here is a link to a very good story by Richard Stallman. It almost makes me think of various Asimov novels I have read.

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